What makes beautiful?
A body made lean through denial?
injectables make more sexy
the sweet child
from Little House on the Prairie
starving for cake
hungry to be loved
screaming to be heard
over the crowd
to be worthy
with a body As Seen On TV
but you don’t fit
because you got the
Not Enoughs:
hair, collagen, humor
Muscle, pizazz
Or the Too Muches:
sag, age, lipstick
be anorexic with the If Only’s
vomit up those I Shoulds
‘cause you’ll never measure up
to insecure movie stars
made small by fitting into
a prison designed years
before their existence
the secret truth is this:
beauty is yours for the taking
so take it
by the throat if you must
and make it in your image
you are the boss
you set the rules
don’t be beautiful
have beautiful be you